Hi there! I have a question for illustrators and graphic designers. How much should I charge for designing a brand hero? Thank you!

- 6 different poses.
- It should be a very detailed illustration.

I am attaching an example of one of my illustrations as a reference.


  • I like to charge a fix-price on a approximate dayrate. I would say 500 Euro per day is the minimum. That also makes it easier to charge for a number of designs. I once made prototypes for a digital mask for a singer where I charched about 2000 Euro for 6 rather rough 3d sketches. Definetly make sure that they pay you if they continue on one of your designs. I am from Berlin btw.
  • @Zuzanna Janik Thanks for the reply, I'll take it into consideration. Yes, that's about a Polish client :) I checked the offers from 3 companies, each charging almost 5.000zł for 1 character design, which didn't look super sophisticated. The price I came up with for those 6 characters seems a bit dizzying to me... but that's quite a lot of work. Regards.
  • Charge as much as you want! I just finished uni and I asked an abstract price for my latest project. The worst they can say is "no" and than you regationate the price, the best- you made a bank.
    Are you working for polish brand? Sorry, assuming by the name, I'm also Polish! I know they are usually having tighter budget...
    If I were you I wouldn't charge less than minimum wage x amount of hours you spent. You can top the final number up as much as you feel like it. In the Uk minimum wage is £11.40 per hour for a reffrence and if you work with client outside of Poland I would advise use this as the minimal hourly wage. Hope it helps! xx

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