Gabby Leon

Gabby Leon

Multi-Disciplinary DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
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Shanice Aga
Amine Fradi
Gabby Leon

Gabby Leon

Multi-Disciplinary DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am a multi-disciplinary designer and art director with 8 years experience, originally from London. I love making work which bridges the gap between the 2D, 3D and digital worlds, putting experiences at the heart of everything I do. I’m obsessed with the way design interacts with and influences culture, as well as patterns, colour and paper engineering and am always looking for new ways to solve creative briefs. I’m a strong advocate for sustainability in design. Working in the food and drinks industry has taught me a lot about how important it is for designers to carefully consider their choices and the impacts those choices make on the world, and I look to bring a sustainable outlook to all the work I do.
  • Graphics for Adverts
    Graphics for AdvertsA lot of these graphics fall into the category of "blink and you'll miss it" but occasionally a graphic gets a feature. Being a print and packaging specialist, I'm often called on to work on ads with a modern home or high street focus, and I love the range of work that comes out of these super high speed projects, from breakdown to budget and all the graphics in between.
  • Red Bull Spark Shorts
    Red Bull Spark ShortsIn this futuristic short where your personal energy helps generate grid power, I worked with Production Designer, Byron Broadbent, to create a series of tattoos and matching 3D printed bands that represent the character's energy. They got a really great feature throughout the short.
  • Foresight/Film4 Shorts
    Foresight/Film4 ShortsFor this series of sci-fi shorts produced by Foresight for Film 4, I worked with Production Designer Chris Melgram, to create a range of graphics including some seriously dystopian (but not that far fetched) signage and posters for a world where convicted terrorists have chips embedded in them to prevent impure thoughts.
  • Foresight/Film 4 Sci-fi Shorts
    Foresight/Film 4 Sci-fi ShortsFor this series of sci-fi shorts produced by Foresight for Film 4, I worked with Production Designer Chris Melgram, to create a range of graphics including an omnipresent brand environment, embedded in a world of cryogenic future
  • Foliage Art Prints
    Foliage Art PrintsIn my spare time I love to draw, and since I work so much digitally I thought it would be fun to experiment with digital drawing. This led me to create my first series of prints, which are now available to purchase on Etsy and studio 73 in Brixton. There are 12 prints in total, printed using vegetable inks on recycled paper, available for sale through etsy and society6 under the title "foliage art prints".
    SUSTAINABILITY ALPHABETAs part of a wider innocent initiative to encourage staff to be more sustainable, I created this little alphabet. It’s based on simple things everyone can do to help keep climate change below 2 degrees. The alphabet has since been picked up by Do Nation and is now being used across some of their campaigns targeted at BCorp members and their employees. The challenge of creating the sustainability alphabet, other than finding something sustainable beginning with N (I don’t think Naked Tuesday wil
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Projects credited in
  • innocent fruit and veg art
    innocent fruit and veg artIdea generation and art direction of shoots is a large part of my job and a role I really love. On this shoot for fruit and veg art for innocent I collaborated with Chelsea, our photographer, to come up with quirky, fun shots that we could use as large scale art pieces in the office and be used on general marketing collateral. I then animated some of them for our social channels.
  • Innocent Bolt from the Blue
    Innocent Bolt from the BlueMotion Design for Electric Robin/ Endemol Shine Group UK
  • Innocent Office
    Innocent Office
Work history
    Senior graphic designer/creativeSelf Employed
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Freelancing across branding, packaging and film/tv
    Graphic Designer for Film & TVSelf Employed
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Graphic design for Film & TV production including S3 of His Dark Materials
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  • Graphic Design
  • Creative Approach
  • Creative
  • Creative Art Direction
  • Design
  • Design Thinking
  • Creative Campaigns
  • Advertising
  • Packaging Design
  • Illustration