Freelance Digital Marketing Expertise Needed

Our company has developed a web-based digital asset manager. It's designed for businesses to store and organise their images and other associated assets. Organisations of all sizes are generating digital content without any effective way of storing it in a searchable form. This product allows everyone in the organisation to access these under-used resources.

The product is currently in beta. We are looking for a freelance digital marketer to promote it in exchange for a time-limited percentage of the revenue from any customers acquired. We will identify which customers have been acquired by the marketer, by using a referral code that would be included in advertising material.

During the beta phase customers will be able to earn discounts by referring other customers. We will also work with these customers to make sure they are getting the best out of the product, and that it meets their needs.
We currently have a simple static markdown website, but no other web presence.

If you are interested please email with your proposal, and any questions that you may have. Mention the reference 27916 in your message.


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