Has anyone used any photobook services recently? If so, which one(s) do you recommend? Bonus points for fast turnaround / UK printed. Thx!


  • @Alf Percival Hi i would also be interested in this!
  • I've used Blurb too - they are the premium product and expensive, I think it was originally set up by a photographer. I have also used Maxim but not for books and they are my first choice 'non book' printers. It's something I'm looking for at the moment.

    Based on my experience I'd use both again, however Blurbs market has become very competative over the last 5 years.
  • I would vote for Blurb too — the quality is beautiful. We ordered a hardback with a dust jacket. They are from San Francisco, but have a UK-based operation too with offices in London.
  • Hey I'm parterned with a small printing company that specialisies in zines / photoboots. Drop me a mesage and I can arrange something with you :)
  • Hi. I've used https://www.blurb.co.uk before on a photography project - I was really pleased with the result and pretty quick turnaround (think it was about 4 days). Nice hardcover dust jacket too. Project is on my profile if you want to have a look :)

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