Hello wonderful community! I need your advice as creatives struggling with a creative block, in the journey of finding your own style.

I’m a 26 years old creative that enjoys doing multiple things; photography, 3D, illustration, animation…But I’m like “how can I properly make a living with this? what’s my voice in the creative space?” Because I do so many things is hard to have a consistent portfolio. I worked with fashion brands doing photography, designed EP covers for small artists, designed 3D facade for mapping projects… It’s like I feel overwhelmed with the direction of my skills so I freeze, kinda the same with the way I look at life… So I get stuck and do nothing. Being in a hospitality job with barely life helps not having to think too much about this, and allows my independence in the world, paying taxes and having a roof over my head, the secure life! But I want much more…

Would love to read about your personal experiences 🙏🏻 have an amazing day.


  • @Daniel Adelakun love this response I often feel the same! its hard to brand and define yourself in a creative Field at times, I'm a sales professional but I've been drawing since I was 8 years old! so it's definitely a five balance, great advice
  • “finding your own style” there is no such thing, and is an impossible task as were all coming up with the same visual lanauge based on trends.

    The trick is to interpret the past or things that infleunce you into something in the field that your passionate about.

    “consistent portfolio” that’s a myth as designers our careers or creative journerys are so fragmented we normally take on various projects regardless to keep the lights on. We are told to have a portfolio tailored to a specific sector or genre. We only try to create a “consistent portfolio” based on what the industry is saying “you should be good at 1 thing and stick to it”.

    DN2022 | KEYNOTE | Natasha Jen

    Back to having a job that is outside of the design/creative industry is not a bad thing very common look through lens of art history most had side jobs before they came recognised for what did at a time.

    8 artists who had surprising side hustles before they made it

    Now there is AI topic for another day.

  • I just wanted to say I feel your pain as a creator working a construction job goes against my artistic compass but you dont stop adding to your CV because someone needs hospitality 8 in the morning. Nah. Get past the mental block and release the imaginative mind you gained from a young kid. Apply, Apply and Apply.

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