Textile designers needed (swimwear project)

I am seeking textile designers for a swimwear project. Please get in touch if you have a portfolio relevant to textile design. Style of design can vary.


  • Hi,

    I’m a womenswear and print designer.

    My Instagram is @bykatieko

    I’d love to work with you!
  • Hi Tamay,

    I am a freelance print designer.
    You can check out my portfolio. https://marlisprints.myportfolio.com
    Feel free to look at the freelance page for prints I have produced for fashion brands.

    Hope to hear from you soon,

    Kind Regards,
  • Hi I'm Raveena freelance surface pattern designer. You can check my portfolio www.raveenabaskaran.com
    Drop a message if you need more info. I would be happy to help 😊
  • Hi Tamay,

    I am a textile designer based in London, Thanks to my education in fashion and textiles and my postgraduation in printed textiles, I am well equipped with working across different fabrics along with a strong command of the Adobe suite and hand skills. I would love to share my CV and portfolio with you.

    Could you share your email with me so I can get in touch with you?
    Alternatively, you could view my work at : https://shroff2211.wixsite.com/aditishroff
  • Hi Tamay!
    How are you?
    Here's my portfolio :)
    I also have my own textile brand here in Brazil, there you can find all the textile prints I designed.
    Thank you so much!
  • Hi Tamay,
    I have been working as a trend forecaster and textile designer.
    If you want we can have a chat about what style and deliverables you’re looking for. I can give you an estimation of the costs and timeline.
    Have a nice day!
  • Hi Tamay,
    I'm a printed textile designer and printmaker and have experience developing print designs for fashion, both handpainted and digital. I'd love to help with your swimwear project.
    You can see a selection of my portfolio here: https://issuu.com/renukaramanujam5/docs/21_renukaprintport

    You can also look at my website which is more visual arts focussed, but the printmaking work also gives an idea of my skillset: www.studiomudra.co.uk
    Feel free to drop me a message if you'd like more info!

  • Hey Tamay

    This sounds like a really exciting opportunity! I have experience in doing repeat patterns / surface pattern design / illustration for women’s clothing and kidswear, as well as cards, bags, wrap and other products.

    My website is currently under reno, however you can see my portfolio here: https://issuu.com/rebeccastephens24/docs/portfolio_becci_stephens

    I have a varied style but I’m happy to try my hand at lots of different handwritings if you have something particular in mind.

    My email is rebeccastephens24@gmail.com - feel free to drop me an email!

    Becci x

  • Hey Tamay!

    I am a fashion print designer with 6 years experience working in repeated pattern designs.

    I have a wide range of original print collections on my website in all different styles. I think you might like them :)

    Please take a look at my website:

    Hope to hear from you soon! X

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