Costa Rica Playing Cards

  • Xavier Segers

Zona Tropical Press, a Costa Rican publisher, commissioned me to design a deck of playing cards showcasing the country's wildlife. I developed the concept, grouping animals into suits and created a bespoke packaging design incorporating an orange seal inspired by Costa Rica's coat of arms. Extensive research and design iterations resulted in a visually engaging, pattern-centric deck.

My designs and illustrations resulted in a bespoke 54-card pack, showcasing 15 typical animals found in Costa Rica on the main cards and packaging. These premium playing cards are being sold in book and gift shops all over the Central American country. Appealing to the many visitors wanting to buy a souvenir or gift for people back home.
My design incorporated 2 different metallic foils on a full colour print. The green and gold foil accents act as visual highlights and with the embossed pattern, the design comes alive in the hand with reflection and a tactile feel. I conveyed the richness of Costa Rican fauna and flora through these print techniques. All designed and illustrated with my tablet and adobe illustrator.
Discover more about this project here.