Learn to code for free on The Dots x SuperHi scholarship

  • Smilz CBDGummies
  • Adam Oskwarek
  • Rik Lomas

In association with London code school, SuperHi, we’re offering not one but two free places on their upcoming evening course. We’re offering the two places to people who usually wouldn’t be able to afford the usual course price. As we think there’ll be high demand for the scholarships, they’ll be picked from the best applications we receive. We spoke to SuperHi’s course teacher, Lawrence Gosset, about why should creatives learn to code and what you’ll learn. Q: The common question we see on social media is “should designers learn to code”, what do you think to that? Ha, yes, I do think it’s a very useful skill for any designer who either works or wants to work in digital design. The best designers I’ve worked with in the past really understand the medium of what they’re working with and for designing websites, that would be HTML, CSS and Javascript. I’m not saying every designer needs to be the best coder in the world or you should quit your job to become a developer, but the more you know about code and how it works, the better a digital designer that would make you. Q: What exactly is HTML, CSS and Javascript? They’re the building blocks behind the visual aspect of pretty much every website. HTML is the content such as headings and paragraphs, CSS lays out and styles that content, then Javascript adds interactions to the site, such as when I click a button, a menu pops out. Q: Is it hard to learn to code? It’s not as hard as most people think. It’s not exactly easy but it's simpler than most of our students expected it to be. The best way to think about coding for the web is that it’s a text-based design tool. Once you understand the patterns, it’s gets easier and easier. To apply for The Dots x SuperHi scholarship, go to https://www.superhi.com/the-dots-scholarship and fill out the application form. Applications shut on Thursday 20th October at 11.59pm.