My Self-portrait: Observe, Examine, Judge

  • Bronac McNeill
  • Tim Hutchinson
  • Fred Mann
  • Anna McNay

THREESOME – an exhibition of three women painters and 3X3 – an exhibition of nine women photographers curated by Anna McNay

Thu 11 Jan 2018 - Sat 03 Mar 2018
New Art Projects, London
Threesome: Sadie Lee, Roxana Halls, Sarah Jane Moon
3x3: Emli Bendixen – Imogen Crew – Lisa Gornick – Liz Helman -Rachael House -Marta Kochanek – Bronac McNeill – The Naked Artist Suzie Pindar – Sarah Pucill
Running in tandem to ‘Threesome’, ‘3×3’ showcases photographic self-portraits by nine queer female artists, whose work, to varying degrees, and consciously or not, interrogates the notion of the female gaze and self-identity. By concentrating solely on their own image, the artists seek to untangle, distinguish, and, in some instances, deliberately re-confuse their own subjectivity and objecthood. This is further teased out through a series of nine questions, posed by critic and curator Anna McNay, and responded to by each artist in turn. These highlight the broad and varied spectrum of considerations at play when, in a world unavoidably influenced by the history of the patriarchal male heterosexual gaze, a woman who likes women turns her gaze upon a woman to produce an image.

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  • S

    Sadie Lee

    • R

      Roxana Halls

      • S

        Sarah Jane Moon

        • A

          Anna McNay

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            New Art Projects, London

            • Arts and Culture
