Royal Museums Greenwich | Research & Online Copywriting

  • Jack Andrew Lenton
  • Sofia Rebert
File Under Research & Analytics Content Creation Idea Translation Proofreading Copyediting
About Royal Museums Greenwich comprises of the four major tourist attractions in Greenwich (National Maritime Museum, Queen's House, Royal Observatory, Cutty Sark). Their 2018 to 2025 objective is to become the trusted authority on subjects as diverse as space, maritime history and the concept of time.
Process To grow the audience's understanding of this, RMG needed insightful and entertaining copy that includes readers of all ages, around the world. Firstly, I used SEM Rush and Moz SEO ranking engines as a method of finding the big questions that readers are seeking out. I then wrote compelling content around these topics, using the page layout to break up the text. I obtained images that were appealing and open-sourced.
Result To date, I have written 58 articles for RMG. While content creation is a long-game (with a higher ranking awarded for more people accessing the content), we're starting to see the results with a dramatic uptake of 60% more page users to the RMG site in six months.

Examples of Content:
Space race timeline
John Hawkins - Admiral & Slave Trader

What was the first animal in space?

How many people have walked on the Moon?

Project Tags


  • Royal Museums Greenwich logo

    Royal Museums Greenwich

    • Events
