Times Educational Supplement - Editorial - 2010

  • Rob White
Illustration for Times Educational Supplement TES column titled
Yoofspeak, exploring modern slang terminology in the classroom.

Title: Peng (n)
Means: A person that is good looking.
Usage: "There's some peng over there"; "He/she is proper peng."
Usurping the long-standing champion 'fit' in the overly sexualised
playground lexicon, 'peng' has become the go-to word for any savvy
pupil looking to publicly display their attraction to a member of their
class, school or wider social circle. But don't be fooled into thinking
it's a blast of intellectual slang utilising the Chinese symbol meaning
'great accomplishment'. It's actually said to be an abbreviation of the
terminally cute aquatic animal, the penguin.