Young Blood 2 | The Research

Our white paper is the in-depth analysis and amalgamation of the qualitative and quantitative elements of the research. We have looked at the prevailing attitudes and beliefs of our audience in the context of world events, trends, the political and financial climate and overlaid this with direct quotes.

Subjects Covered

1. Future fears + the secret to success 2. Drop it like it’s hot: How they spend it 3. Booze-lite: Sober socialites + the end of hedonism 4. Bite or flight: The new landscape of food + drink 5. Hitting the right notes: Music, brands + influence 6. Getting tech close + personal: Technology, connections + r
Of the 2,023 18-30 year olds interviewed, the data can be cut by age group (18-21, 22-25, 26-30), gender, region, city, ethnicity and socio-economic group on request.
Check our the full research here.
For more information and to get a physical copy of the research please contact