André Skepple

André Skepple

Founder & CEO | FullSpektrum®London, United Kingdom
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Amy Davidson
Bolu Majekodunmi
Nigel J. Green
André Skepple

André Skepple

Founder & CEO | FullSpektrum®London, United Kingdom
About me
As the Founder & CEO of FullSpektrum®, André channels a very unique blend of academic prowess, technical expertise and first-hand personal experiences to drive ground-breaking initiatives towards educational inclusion, healthcare and wellness for all. At FullSpektrum®, we are developing a multi-agency intelligence platform called FS:One, which provides end-to-end hyper-personalised support and multi-service coproduction intended for neurodivergent people of all ages, backgrounds and conditions, through progressive, proactive and holistic improvements of their individual education, employment and healthcare-related outcomes. Through the FS:One platform, our company is leveraging the power, precision and scalability of AI and blockchain fused together in conjunction with an increasing diaspora of decentralised, interoperable assistive technologies to identify, innovate and implement scalable, neuroinclusive environments that empower those who are normally left behind. As a leading advocate for intersectional inclusion (neuro, race etc.), André always stands as a beacon of resilience, innovation and the relentless pursuit of transformative change within the education and healthcare landscape.
  • Vote André for the STEM of the Year award!
    Vote André for the STEM of the Year award!I’m so grateful to be nominated for the STEM of the Year award with Potential Unlocked, for the work I've been doing with my neuroinclusive AI + blockchain technology company, FullSpektrum. Please support me by voting for me via this link: and sharing with others across your networks. Let's all win, together. #STEM #award #tech #education #blackexcellence
Projects credited in
  • Vote André for the STEM of the Year award!
    Vote André for the STEM of the Year award!I’m so grateful to be nominated for the STEM of the Year award with Potential Unlocked, for the work I've been doing with my neuroinclusive AI + blockchain technology company, FullSpektrum. Please support me by voting for me via this link: and sharing with others across your networks. Let's all win, together. #STEM #award #tech #education #blackexcellence