Faith Weddle

Faith Weddle

Social Media CoordinatorYork, United Kingdom
+ Info


Sarah Carden
Imogen Wilson
Cicely Ryder-Belson
Faith Weddle

Faith Weddle

Social Media CoordinatorYork, United Kingdom
  • Spanish Flu Now
    Spanish Flu NowIn 2018, 100 years after the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic which primarily affected 20-35 year olds, five creators took on the imagined stories of six young people as if they had the Spanish Flu now in the modern day. Looking back on this project is somewhat eery, we had no idea that in two years time this was about to become a reality with Covid-19. Spanish Flu Now was created by Flying Object in partnership with Shobana Jeyasingh Dance, whose new work - Contagion - is inspired by the 1918 Spanish
Projects credited in
    UP NORTHThe Up North exhibition provided a platform for young Northern artists in the UK. Co-curated by Senah Tuma and Faith I. Weddle, who led a curatorial team of 25 to produce the exhibition within a month
  • Censorship and Security
    Censorship and Security
Work history
    Social Media CoordinatorFree the Flow York
    York, United KingdomFull Time
    Free the Flow York is a project with the aim of ending period poverty across campus and in the local community. Role entails managing Free the Flow York's social media platforms with the aim of increasing the online presence of the project by posting regularly and promoting events and activities. Since starting the role, followers on Instagram have risen from 110 to 411 and Facebook likes have doubled. For more information see @FreeTheFlowYork on Instagram, search FreeTheFlowYork on Facebook or @FreeTheFlowYor1 on Twitter.
    Social SecretaryNorman Rea Gallery
    York, United KingdomFull Time
    Creating a social calendar for members of the gallery and optimising social opportunities in the gallery space, risk assessing and leading these events is a very important part of this role. Currently working closely with the Director and Members Officer of the gallery to improve member engagement and provide opportunities for them to get involved; so far this has included pushing to allow members to drop in on install and deinstall days, an alumni event: 'Where Are They Now?' and our Christmas Ball in partnership with Art Society and Art History Society. As a member of the committee my role also includes researching and finding multiple artists for each exhibition, communicating with artists and installing/deinstalling exhibitions. Alongside this, the Members Officer and I are currently creating applications to attract more funding for next years committee to sustain the longevity of the gallery.
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  • Events
  • Youth Engagement
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Art History
  • Curating
  • Digital Campaigns
  • Social Media Management
  • Website Administration
  • Copwriting
  • Art Curation
    BA History of ArtUniversity of York
    York, United Kingdom