Sue King

Sue King

CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Yana-Frida Binaev
Caroline Bottomley
Sue King

Sue King

CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am a London based Creative specialising in Performing Arts, Music Video, Film and Theatre Production.
  • Dylan - Nothing Lasts Forever (Official  Video)
    Dylan - Nothing Lasts Forever (Official Video)1st Assistant Director
  • Too Soft- Moore DH (Official Video)
    Too Soft- Moore DH (Official Video)1st Assistant Director
  • Camden Cox - Over (Official Video)
    Camden Cox - Over (Official Video)
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Projects credited in
  • Converse - Create Next
    Converse - Create NextCreate Next is a new programme backed by John Boyega & Converse to advance the careers of the Black community in the film industry. We took five filmmakers on a journey to produce their first short film & supporting the wider community to discover filmmaking through a series of opportunities. I produced 4 out of 5 films
  • Mr. Eazi - Supernova
    Mr. Eazi - Supernova