Tracey Welch

Tracey Welch

PhotographerUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Gordon Gerard McLean
Emma Barclay
Tracey Welch

Tracey Welch

PhotographerUnited Kingdom
About me
I have over 19 years of professional experience as a photographer and hold an MA in Photography. I’m mainly known for my work in the music industry, and have covered live music events, press photography and artist portraits. I am an experienced and versatile professional with a commitment to high-quality work. I am a part of the Loftus Media team and have worked for the BBC, Channel 4, The Independent and The Guardian, as well as specialist journals such as N-Photo. I have shot for Q Magazine for seven years and covered live music events for six years. As well as my experience in the world of music photography, I also have a wide range of corporate clients, including Ted Baker, Specsavers, Adidas, and Timex. I am committed to continuing my professional development and my independent projects have been supported by Arts Council England.
  • Yungblud for BBC Live Lounge
    Yungblud for BBC Live LoungeShot Yungblud playing live and portraits to advertise BBC Live Lounge. Images used for BBC iPlayer, commissioned through Loftus Media.
  • Hotel Chocolat for Channel 4
    Hotel Chocolat for Channel 4Got a call from Channel 4 to do a shoot in Leeds for Hotel Chocolat to promote their TV programme about life in the factory and stores.
  • Everybody Talking about Jamie
    Everybody Talking about JamieUnit stills for Warp Films/Fox Films. Covered the first day of filming.
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Work history
    BBC logo
    BBC logo
    United KingdomFreelance
    BA (HON)Fine art and PhotographySheffield Hallam University
    Sheffield, United Kingdom
    Won business award in 2004 and graduated
    De Montfort University logo
    De Montfort University logo
    MA photographyDe Montfort University
    Part time 2 year course whilst running my Photography business