Frieze: Lost and Found

  • Josh Hall

‘A person was driving the truck, and there was this wall of bamboo. He said that on the other side of this bamboo is the river. When the bamboo stopped, I saw it. It was very striking. And immediately my phone started picking up the signal of Mexico.’ From a hotel in Berlin, Guillermo Galindo is speaking about the first time he visited the Mexico-US border. Mexican by birth but now living in California, where he is a senior adjunct professor at the California College of Arts, Galindo is used to hopping between the two countries. For him, the journey is smooth. ‘I usually fly,’ he says. ‘For me, the border is the airport.’

I was commissioned by Frieze to write a feature on artist Guillermo Galindo's exhibition at Berlin's CTM festival. Read the piece on Frieze.