I am incredibly proud to announce that the first issue of my digital magazine, Easy Does It Zine, has been released!

After graduating, I felt that I was missing the creative outlet that is QMUL's PEACH Magazine. I wanted to create a creative project that articulated what most postgraduates feel- a loss of identity.

The issue, titled 'The Emotional (and Fragile) State of a 20 Something', highlights the inevitability of journeying through confusion, grief, and all the emotions in-between during your twenties.

Being able to create a space for young and underrepresented voices is something I always strive to achieve within my professional roles, and I was blown away by the number and variety of pieces submitted. Thank you to everyone who shared their work!

Read volumes 1 and 2 of 'The Emotional (and Fragile) State of a 20 Something' below.



I am currently looking for a new role in arts and culture marketing- please reach out if your company has any available roles!


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