I’m looking for someone to assist as a second shooter (video). Possibly for a trial event shoot tomorrow and upcoming shoots when needed.
- @Adam Isfendiyar no worries 👊🏾
- @Williams Katuna Thanks William. I've found someone but will let you know if I need anyone else in future.
- @Esther Akintoye Thanks Esther. I've found someone but will let you know if I need anyone else in future.
- @Julia Guedes Thanks Julia. I've found someone but will let you know if I need anyone else.
- @Arron Leppard Thanks Arron. I've found someone but will let you know if I need anyone else in future.
- Hey Adam! I'm available:anthermedia.co
- Hey,Hope you're doing well.I'm interested. Would love to hear more,My portfolio: www.juliaguedes.com.brCan also send some video refs by email.hello@juliaguedes.com.brThanks,Julia
- I'm interested!
- Hey there I'm interestedhttps://www.katunamediagroup.com/
- @Anastasija Novikova thanks. Will DM you.
- Hi Adam, I'm a freelance videographer and video editor with experience in events videos. Would love to find out more about this opportunity! Here's my portfolio: www.anastasijanovikova.com Email: anastasijanovikovaan@gmail.com
- @Lydia Robinson thanks Lydia I’ll let you know if/when I might need you.
- Hey Adam, I don’t do video but available for second shooter work as a Photographer in future if you need an assistant.www.lydsthatpicstook.comThanks!
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