I would really appreciate any feedback pertaining to my Portfolio website. sewanu.com


  • Hi Dre,

    one thing I noticed is that the page takes quite long to load. A good advice I received a while ago is to use small files, ideally exported for web. Many people are very impatient and this way it will load quicker and people are more likely to actually look at your work!
    Hope this helps :)
  • Hi Dre,

    I do agree with Alexander that the general structure is in place but you would need to put some emphasize on the copy. Keeping it short and simple is a great but I would recommnd to be a bit more professional about it. Like think about the people go on your site to potentially work with you, they know zero about the context. So introducing some basics like which year it's been made, in which studio if, for what client and exactlky what was your part in the overall project.
  • Hey! I gave it a look and I think the general layout and presentation of the various sections is great. Clean and crisp, letting the content speak for itself. I especailly like the ever-present option to view the animation, which itself is a great backdrop for the homepage.

    Altogether I think it provides exactly how much you need for an online portfolio. The only that I might add would be more consistency with the descriptions. Your storyboards have really nice context attached to them which improve appreciation of the work. I feel this would be useful to expand on especially for the 3D Projects and illustrations, which could use a little more context.

    Hope this helps!

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