Looking for content creators to create some irl videos for our brand - interviewing people on the street. Can be based worldwide

If you can please send through your ig/TikTok to tiffanypbrash@gmail.com and any previous content experience you have interviewing people on the street and i will send a brief over with more info


  • Hi
    I am Ricky. I am an author in my spare time, but I am currently working as a Quality Assurance Analyst where I also do video and audio interview.
    I am based in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, a South Pacific Island nation just at the northern tip of Australia.
    If your project covers this area as well, I will be interested to participate.
    Here is my profile on linkedin for your info. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mato-paisip/
  • Hi,

    I'm Simran Kaur and I'm a fashion photographer and creative director based in London. I'm interested :)

    My website



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