What is the one piece of work you've done that you're most proud of?

Extra credit points in my good book if you've already posted it to The Dots. :)


  • I designed a tourism campaign website for the city Nairobi. Created a visual identity, logo and branding elements. Then weeks later I met a graphic designer and he was playing around with the website's prototype and he said "This feels like home". I asked what he meant by that and he told his mom is from Nairobi.
  • Até hoje um dos projetos que mais me orgulho de ter desenvolvido foi um projeto de marca para um hospital especializado em transplante e cirurgia cardíaca no Espírito Santo - Hospital Evangélico de Vila Velha, além disso foi o primeiro projeto que conquistei a partir de um concurso de marca.
  • I am most proud of Connect, my undergraduate final major project, which helps to solve social isolation in older people that live in suburban areas by allowing the users to search for social activities at suburban bus stop stands which gives them directions that can be printed out to reach to activities. I am most proud of this project as I was able to conduct extensive first-hand research and user testing which end-users and stakeholders have validated my concepts. Furthermore, I feel that I am working on a meaningful social problem. Solutions generated can improve the health and wellbeing of the ageing population.
  • my work for digital health London is definitely what im most proud of. Being my first contract following my course, I dived in head first. Despite a tight timeframe, my thorough research enabled me to gain a deep insight into the client and their services in order to pin point exactly what needed to be expressed in their website redesign. this combined with the knowledge gained from user research and pre and post user testing helped deliver a polished final design that the client were incredibly happy with. Knowing that my hard work (and loads of overtime because I wanted to do a great job and nail this), collaboration with my team member and good project planning enabled this to occur really gave me a buzz knowing the client realised their end goal.
  • Not a singular piece of work, but rather an entire body of it...My project(s) titled 'Exploration & Experimentation'. It started as a daily exercise that would have me using Bricolage to create Digital artworks, and has now become a body of work of over 150+ unique pieces created solely with assets (such as photography, textures etc) generated from myself.

    In turn, I've since had a couple of pieces displayed in exhibition and have commissioned pieces hanging in houses! A project of self–indulgence, sure...but one that has taught me to pro-actively seek and source materials I can use on a daily basis and one that's proven if there's love behind it, the results will show! Not forgetting to mention how it's sharpened my knowledge across the Adobe suite during the process either.

    Great question, really had to rattle my brain about this one!
  • My project I did with the Bristol Waste company where I made an educational recycling bin that helped teach children on the importance of recycling. It’s on my profile page if you want to check it out.
  • Great is never enough, but so far my idea of a new coming project. From great research to a final design product. Still a work in progress.
  • As Creative Director, I would say that it was the campaign I contrived to get the Rights of Children into the Constitution of Colombia for Unicef in 1990; we managed to create a perfect storm. I'm proud of it because I wasn't trying to convince people to buy a product, but to buy into the need to prioritize children's needs and their future. Colombia is one of a few where children's rights are entwined into the legal make up of a country. Big words, but I'm proud that my kids can say that their old man had something to do with that.
  • Great question, it has to be brand identity and re-positioning campaign that I managed for a medical diagnostics company following it's acquisition of it's competitor. I was responsible for reviewing/assessing the brand equity of both companies and preparing a brand development brief that would ensure the 'brand value' would remain for all the stakeholders from both companies as they became one entity. Both companies had strong positive reputations however their brand identities and narratives were at opposites. I t was a while ago so I won't be posting it on The Dots but it stands out because it was the first time I had managed and led a brand development project on that scale with such a diverse group of stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

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