IMPORTANT: Enrol onto the course here

Are you a brilliant Fashion Designer who needs more guidance on how to build a sustainable business? Are you in process of creating your first collection and want to make sure it will sell out? Or are you looking how to grow your presence outside of your home country, be part of New York Fashion Week and be featured in Vogue? This practical course will help you understand what might be stopping your brand from becoming a fashion empire and will guide you through the process of building, marketing and selling your collections. Who is this programme for?
  • Independent Fashion Designers who want to grow their brands
  • Contemporary Fashion Brand owners who want to expand internationally
  • Visionaries who want to disrupt the fashion market

You will learn:
  • How to choose the right segment and pricing for your brand
  • How to get into big fashion publications like Vogue and Elle
  • How to get celebrities to wear your pieces
  • What can make your brand stand out
  • What is the best way to sell online and in-store
  • How to get into Paris Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week
  • Mistakes Fashion Designers make that kill their brands


Attendees — 42

Build Your Fashion Empire