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London, United Kingdom
Important: please register for this event on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/building-your-first-tech-product-a-beginners-guide-tickets-155773240957

Founders without experience in technology are reliant on people with technical skills to create and grow their products. But why does it feel like that knowledge is locked away, kept for a small group that is in the know? In this session, we unpack the building blocks to designing your own tech product, even if you do not have any experience in tech! In this conversation with the founder of Techniclarity, Sophie Hebdidge we discover why she built a business that aims to empower others to build great tech products.

Expect to hear:
  • Demystifying designing your first tech product
  • Understanding how to get to your MVP ( most viable product)
  • Designing workshops and training programmes that support others

About Sophie Hebdidge
Sophie Hebdidge is the founder of Techniclarity, which develops female founders by teaching them the tech know-how they need to lead their startups. After learning that only 20% of founders are female and that the most common reason women give for not starting their business is that they don’t believe they have the right skills, Sophie launched Techniclarity to help women use tech to harness opportunities for success.

She began her career at Barclays as a business analyst, has been an instructor at some of the world's leading coding communities in London and New York and launched a coding bootcamp across the UK. She has also been a serial founder and CTO, developing voice bots equipping teenage girls with the skills they need to manage their own mental health.

Along the way, she has always been passionate about supporting women to create and understand technology so that they can live their dream career. Whether creating a coding bootcamp to enable a more diverse junior talent pool in tech or educating senior leaders across the US and South America on cybersecurity and data, she has continued to develop as a global educator and developer.

About Zoom Dives
Live discussions between creative business experts and our founder, Carolyn Dailey, to tackle crucial topics currently that all creative entrepreneurs and freelancers need to know about.

About Creative Entrepreneurs
A first-of-its-kind online membership experience and community empowering creatives to grow their brilliantly successful businesses.

Become a member today: http://bit.ly/CE_becomeamember

This event will be recorded and the audio file will be uploaded on our Soundcloud page.

  • techproduct
  • technology
  • techstartups
  • creativeentrepreneurs
  • creativestartup


Attendees — 2

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Building your first tech product, a beginners guideLondon, United Kingdom