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The Relay Building, 114 Whitechapel High St, Shadwell, London E1 7PT - London, United Kingdom

Organised by General Assembly

You feeling the feels? Welcome to the Burnout Club. You're not alone. This is the club where at General Assembly, we want you to click the unsubscribe button.

Modern-day living is demanding and living in cities like London is even more stress-inducing. We don't only have high expectations at work, but also life outside of work.

According to Forbes, Forbes burnout is contributing to 50% or more of a company’s turnover rate!
As a busy professional, how can you expect to prevent burnout and perform at your best if you don’t know the fundamentals of health and wellness?

Identifying the biological, environmental, and psychological factors that define your habits is one of the first steps towards living a high-performance life.

You will walk away from this event with a greater sense of clarity and commitment to elevate your health, potential, and life!

This evening is apart of our brand new series, 'Struggles and Bubbles'.
On the last Thursday of every month, Struggles & Bubbles takes over General Assembly London to host an evening of inspiring talks. Fun, candid and real, this monthly series hopes to inspire the London community with the mission of empowering those to learn, overcome and grow from their struggles, changing and challenging the world for good.

We want this night to be a celebration of people's failures as well as successes.
@StrugglesandBubbles #strugglesandbubbles
  • lifeatga
  • strugglesandbubbles
  • event
  • bubbles
  • mindfulness
  • inspiration


Attendees — 79

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Chill Out, Not BurnoutLondon, United Kingdom