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This is an online event

Organised by Hub Dot

Connecting around Disability Culture - and what we can ALL learn from it.

It's an event for everyone, Disabled people & non-Disabled people to come together to listen and reflect on the lived experiences of others. Join the conversation led by CoFounders of Not Your Monolith (NYM) Priya Reki-Smith, Emma Gardner and their team where we'll be talking about identity, sense of self and the authentic representation of disability culture in the launch issue of their magazine, Not Your Monolith.

Together we shall...

Share our human stories

Learn from one anothers lived experiences

Make meaningful connections through our global community

Hear from the Disabled & non-Dislabed Creators of NYM magazine

Join the conversation as we shift the narrative around Disability Culture
  • disabilityawareness
  • disabilityinclusion
  • diversityandinclusion
  • equalityinthecreativeindustry
  • communityengagement


Attendees — 40

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Connecting around Disability CultureLondon, United Kingdom
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