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Virtual Event - London, United Kingdom

Organised by YAYZY

The Sustainable Fashion Guru, Sophia, summed eco-guilt up perfectly, 'It’s the deep breath you take when you buy a plastic-wrapped sandwich for lunch. It’s also the 'sting' you feel when you forget your reusable coffee mug. At this point, we all feel it. It does not matter how many vegan meals we eat or how many times a week we walk to work. Somehow, none of us are doing enough.' I want us to have an open and honest conversation about this and how we all deal with those sentiments. There are so many of us who want to work out how to reduce our carbon footprint. What can we do day to day? How do we balance things out? Are we doing enough? Are the brands and cooperation to blame? I believe everything is about taking the steps. We are not perfect & having these conversations makes us feel more human! It helps us do better! Please come along & share your own woes, tips & tricks around this subject! (Don't forget to bring your own bottle!)

Here is the link to join the chat: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDg1YTY0ZGEtOTA0MS00MWU3LWI5ZDctYjc1ZjJmZjlkYzE5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d405d9fc-877e-4eaf-a0b3-881c5ddce9d2%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22646f7605-47bb-443c-9ffa-e52c8ee7775a%22%7d
Looking forward to meeting you all!
  • sustainability
  • sustainablefashion
  • ecoliving
  • climatechange
  • climateaction
  • gogreen
  • greenpeace
  • savetheplanet
  • sustainabledevelopment
  • plasticwaste


Attendees — 3

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How to navigate 'Eco-guilt'! (Virtual Chat) powered by YAYZYLondon, United Kingdom