Paid event
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22 Hertford Road London N1 5SH - Sarabande Foundation, 22 Hertford Rd, Haggerston, London N1 5SH, UK
Join us for a talk on all things A.I. with Moin Roberts-Islam

About this event
Nervous for the Robot take-over? Feeling like science-fiction movies are becoming a reality?
It's time to take back control and harness the power of A.I. to your advantage with this practical talk at Sarabande Foundation. We have enlisted the help of fashion-tech innovator and Sarabande mentor, Moin Roberts-Islam.
We will go back to basics, and start at the beginning of the A.I. story so we can best learn how to continue writing it for the benefit of the creative industry. With a wary eye out for IP, ethics, bias and over-autonomy, Moin will be the voice of reason, and catch us before we dive head-first into an A.I. pitfall.
Instead of burying our heads in the sand, crossing all fingers and toes, it's time to learn that knowledge is power.
Moin provides expert consultation to brands to showcase how emerging technologies can improve current practices, and is the Technology Development Manager at The Fashion Innovation Agency at London College of Fashion.

About Sarabande Foundation
Sarabande was set up by the late designer, Lee Alexander McQueen, who left the majority of his estate to support creative and visionary talent. In addition to providing scholarships and studio space for artists, Sarabande produces a number of events, from the practical to the inspirational.
Sarabande operates from a listed Stable Block conversion in Haggerston, where 15 studios form a creative community with designers and artists from multiple disciplines. Immersed in the
hub of East London’s rich creative spirit, Sarabande exudes all that encompasses the creative sphere. The building is home to a plethora of artisans reflecting the multifarious span of Lee’s talent and the variety of craftspeople he worked with his own collections. Amongst others, our tactile artists include sculptors, fashion designers, jewellers, textile designers, painters, performance artists, silversmiths, costume designers, ceramicists, and dancers. Alongside these, Sarabande also houses filmmakers, animators, photographers, digital designers, and visual artists.

Please note that these events are being filmed and photographed for internal and commercial purposes.
Sarabande events are non-refundable and credits from your ticket purchase will be transferred to an event of your choice.
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Please also see our fire evacuation route here, which attendees will be expected to follow in the event of a fire.


Attendees — 2

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HOW TO: Release the Fear Now A.I. is Here!Sarabande Foundation, 22 Hertford Rd, Haggerston, London N1 5SH, UK