 -  (GMT)
Zoom - London, United Kingdom

Organised by General Assembly

There’s no one-size-fits-all way of thinking about setting personal development goals- it’s entirely down to your preference and what works for you. Whether you already have a specific goal you’re working towards or you’re looking to develop a new skill, you can choose what your goal is and how to approach it.

Join workplace learning platform, Learnerbly and begin to understand what motivates you by learning self-assessment tools that can give you a solid base to work from to achieve your goals in everyday life and at work.


  • Start by understanding what motivates you;
  • Define your North-Star Goal;
  • Find ways to work on achieving your goals every day at work.

Event Link: https://generalassembly.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GzPmyN1xRyOqMl0qRzL_iA

Any issues please reach out to: london@generalassemb.ly


Attendees — 123

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How to Set Goals When You Don't Know Where to StartLondon, United Kingdom