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London, United Kingdom

Organised by Nesta

Live stream - Unravelling unconscious bias

Nesta talks to... Dr Pragya Agarwal

Register for the event here

Do the roots for prejudice lie in our evolutionary past? What happens in our brains when our biases are activated? How has bias affected technology? If we don’t know about it, are we really responsible for it, and, if so, is there anything we can do to stop it?

Unconscious bias has become a frequently-used term in our vocabulary, but there are still so many myths around it. Behavioural scientist, activist and writer Dr Pragya Agarwal unravels the way our implicit or ‘unintentional’ biases affect the way we communicate and perceive the world, and how they affect our decision- making, even in life and death situations.


Attendees — 42

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Live stream - Unravelling unconscious biasLondon, United Kingdom