 -  (BST)
Hampstead Ln, Highgate, London NW3 7JR, UK
Explore Kenwood's portrait miniatures through a curator tour, object handling and sketching in this event for 18-25 year olds.

If you are aged 18-25 and would like to:

- Explore art and heritage
- Meet a curator of a major cultural institution
- Network with likeminded peers
- Handle original artefacts and sketch from them
- Discover upcoming creative workshops
... then this event is for you!!

Curator Louise will give a talk in the miniatures room about miniatures generally and some highlights from the Draper Gift, then we will move to the Lecture Theatre for an object handling session. This will be an opportunity to handle miniatures and to think about them in the round so we can think about form and function and how this translates into meaning and sentiment. We will then have an informal chat about the objects and sketch from them.
  • workshop
  • artworkshop
  • sketching
  • curator
  • art
  • culture
  • heritage
  • youngpeople
  • portraiture
  • miniature


 -  (BST)
Portrait Miniatures: Curator Tour, Object Handling and Sketching WorkshopHampstead Ln, Highgate, London NW3 7JR, UK
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