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Zoom - London, United Kingdom

IMPORTANT: Register for the event via this link here

Join us to hear from producer, Greg Nugent, and researcher, Ella Bee, of the award-winning Netflix documentary, RISING PHOENIX. This inspiring film conveys the stories of nine Paralympic athletes and examines how they impact a global understanding of disability, diversity and excellence.

In addition to hearing about their filmmaking experience, learn about their commitment to employing upwards of 25% of their staff and crew as individuals working with disabilities. The film is inspiring. Their commitment to helping our peers with disabilities should inspire the rest of us to follow their lead.

*We recommend viewing the Netflix film before attending the webinar, if possible. www.netflix.com/gb/title/81122408

This event is presented by Film London’s Equal Access Network in partnership with BFI NETWORK.


Attendees — 10

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Rising Phoenix & AccessibilityLondon, United Kingdom