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www.globaltechfest.com - London, United Kingdom

Organised by General Assembly

This is a part of our free, 24 hour festival

Why are we fine having 1-on-1 conversations, but get incredibly nervous in front of a crowd? In the world of psychology, there is no one size fits all solution for those fears, but there are ways to deal with judgment and everything else getting in your way to speak up.

It's now time to grab the mic. Have you been putting off 'THAT' speaking gig or 'THAT' job interview? We'll be joined by a special guest to inspire you to leverage some quick tips.

In this talk, we'll explore some of the most powerful techniques in order to control nerves and come across confidently in front of any audience. You'll learn how to overcome self-judgment and self-consciousness when speaking in public.

You'll walk away with Smooth Operator in your head but the confidence to take on that Smooth Moderator gig.

  • How to strengthen your voice on a video call
  • How to use your body language to show confidence
  • Ways to engage your audience

Zoom Link: https://generalassembly.zoom.us/j/97710645768?pwd=VVJianhCS0d1UzZMUlcxNUE0ZXQ4Zz09

Zoom Password: techfest

Any issues please reach out to london@ga.co
  • design
  • publicspeaking
  • presenting
  • presentation
  • portfolio
  • jobs
  • selfcare
  • covid19
  • festival
  • interiordesign


Attendees — 120

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Smooth Moderator: Public Speaking Tips & TricksLondon, United Kingdom