Paid event
 -  (BST)
213 Oxford St, London W1D 2LG, UK

Organised by TBD Group

Mark your calendars for April 25th @ 7:00 pm at the brand, spanking new Huckletree in Oxford Circus or grab an on-demand ticket if you can't attend in person!

The theme is 'Vision' and will feature three lighting talks from speakers across the technology, behaviour and data spectrum. You don't have to have come to one of the TBD Conferences, but we love to see alums (see below)! We meet, introduce and have fun.

As always, you'll know who's speaking, but not what about! That's always the joy of TBD. You come along for a ride, meet stellar people, experience new things and get all inspired and infused. Each speaker is handpicked and says something you haven't seen/heard anywhere else before. We let them off their leash...

>>> Get your tickets here: universe.com/tbdmeetup <<<

Speaker 1 - Simon Anholt
Simon has spent the last twenty years as an advisor to the Presidents, Prime Ministers and monarchs of fifty-six countries, and as you can imagine, it has given him a unique perspective on what's really gone wrong with our world. You're about to have your minds altered...

More speakers will be announced soon.

Recent speakers for meetups have included: internet legend Andy Baio, Twitter's David Wilding, IDEO's MD Emilie Colker, world-renowned Futurist Cathy Hackl, Callum Williams from The Economist, and we've tasted fonts with Sarah Hyndman.

Three types of tickets: early-bird (£10), in-person (£30) and on-demand (£20).

In-person meetup attendees receive:

- a limited-edition TBD Desk pad (RRP £25)

- Drinks and pizza

- Five trees get planted in the TBD Forest in their honour

- Entered into a TBD limited-edition merch bundle sweepstake (RRP: £350)

- The opportunity to try the Limited-Edition 'Ory' gin (get there early!)

- Access to the TBD 'Materia' WhatsApp group (as limits allow)

- Surprises on the night (good ones, not 'jump out behind a door' ones)

- 12-month membership to ‘C_NCENTRATE' (the emerging...everything newsletter)

- 10% off limited-edition TBD Merch

NOTE: Spaces are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.

On-demand tickets get all the talks sent to them after the event and everything else, minus the drinks/pizza, the limited-edition TBD desk pad, and the surprises! Soz, them's the postage costs and how pizza works!

TBD events attract a wide selection of folks from disciplines and walks of life. C-suite execs to stealth startup founders, media to entrepreneurs. So take your life into your hands and trust us with about 120 minutes of your life. Come for an evening of mini-talks, hot takes, and surprises, it might just change your life.

Huckletree Oxford Circus is the newest workspace in the Huckletree family, specifically designed for the bravest minds in the digital futures sector, located in the heart of central London. Think infinity mirrors, contemplative archways, NFT digital galleries, creative parlours and an immersive meta-lounge. This is a workspace for true imagineers, a meeting place between tech and humanity where you'll find Web3 brands working alongside Metaverse builders, avant-garde designers and a passionate investor community. Find out more about Huckletree here and book your tour here.

Ecologi - Offsetting your carbon footprint made easy, whether it's at home or at the office.

Groovy Gecko - If it's live, they're the experts in it.

Qwstion - The Swiss backpack brand that combines design and functionality with sustainability.

MOO - For all your physical marketing needs. Beautiful paper products at your fingertips.

Motion Nutrition - Nootropics and supplements for better sleep, less stress, and more balance.

Tinggly - Great experiences for every occasion. Chose the box for the recipient and let them pick what they want to go to.


Disruptive Technologies offers a three-step framework that enables readers to choose how their business responds to technological upheaval rather than being led by changes forced upon them. Showing how to understand any new technology (with deep dives into artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual and augmented reality, graphene and 3D printing), evaluating the challenge it poses, and finally responding to it, readers will come away secure in the knowledge that they have a workable system with which they can navigate ongoing technological disruption. The second edition features new chapters and analysis on the Metaverse and Web 3.0, as well as case studies and discussions of emerging technologies from NFTs to 4D printing.Available in paperback/hardback from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop.org, Foyles, Google Books, and Walmart.
  • technology
  • behaviour
  • data
  • entrepreneur
  • people
  • business
  • curiosity
  • networking
  • newbusiness


Attendees — 2

 -  (BST)
TBD Meetup Q2 - 'Vision'213 Oxford St, London W1D 2LG, UK