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1 Granary Square, London - London, United Kingdom
This talk will analyse the impact our food choices have and ask the question, what will the future of food look like?
To keep up with the demand for animal products without compromising the environment, we need drastic changes in our food systems.
Educator, public speaker, author and filmmaker, Ed Winters, will tackle the complexities of this topic and challenge the view that we are solely consumers.
Instead, the argument will be made that we have to become food citizens, aware of the origin of our foods and the damage caused by our everyday choices. Drawing on the latest science and most up-to-date research, this talk will analyse the impact our food choices have and ask the question, what will the future of food look like?
Publicly, Ed Winters is also known as Earthling Ed, based in London, his work focuses on the environmental impact and ethical implications of our diets. Ed has spoken at Google and Facebook, universities like Harvard, Yale and Cambridge and co-working spaces like WeWork and Makers of Barcelona. He has also given two TEDx talks and been featured by news outlets like the BBC, The Times, EuroNews, and The Guardian. Most recently, he co-taught a course at Harvard University, led by Dr Sparsha Saha on animals, politics and the use of media to promote animal rights.


Attendees — 5

 -  (GMT)
The Power of Food with Earthling EdLondon, United Kingdom
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