Paid event
 -  (GMT)
TPF Studio - London, United Kingdom
TPF TALKS is a platform to amplify under-represented voices & professionals working in the industry to encourage the next generation of photographers and creatives to be part of the conversation & build their networks.

For this talk, we're delighted to be joined by Tanya Arya. Tanya is a travel and lifestyle photographer, content creator and writer. She is passionate about portraying the beauty of the everyday by shooting in natural light and is inspired by nature’s changing seasons and colours.

Outside of her creative freelancing, Tanya is a qualified tax advisor with 5+ years of corporate tax experience and is currently working as a Senior Tax Manager at Bloom and Wild.

During this interactive talk, Tanya will share tips and advice focused around managing invoices and understanding financial language and laws. Hopefully you will leave feeling prepared and excited for creative freelancing in 2023!

At our talks you can expect:

  • A creative sharing their work and career journey - followed by an audience Q&A!
  • Space to network & connect with other photographers and creatives
  • An opportunity to speak to staff & trainees about our Training Programme

Event & ticket information

  • The bar will be open for refreshments and networking
  • The talk will start at 7pm and finish by 8pm
  • This event is free - but we will be selling zines and accepting donations during the event
  • Our studio is on the second floor and has lift access
  • If you have any accessibility requirements or questions, please email sadie@thephotographyfoundation.org who will be happy to help.

The Photography Foundation was created to provide pathways to professional photography for less advantaged young adults in London by offering education, practical experience, and routes to a career in the creative industries.

  • content
  • contentcreation
  • photographer
  • freelance



Attendees — 1

 -  (GMT)
TPF Talks: Finances for freelancing with Tanya AryaLondon, United Kingdom