Extinction Rebellion

Life on Earth is in crisis. Join the rebellion.


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Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social and ecological collapse. The world’s leading scientists have given us between 18 months - 10 years to avoid a worldwide climate and ecological catastrophe. Without rapid, radical changes to the global systems we’ve created, we face devastating floods, wildfires, extreme weather, crop failure, mass displacement and the breakdown of society into something we will not recognise. Despite this, our governments are still not acting. They are not telling us the truth about the situation we are in, or putting in place a plan with anything close to the urgency or scale needed. This is an emergency and we need to act now. Want to get involved with the organisational side of Extinction Rebellion? Below you will find the relevant contact details of our various working groups. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Please note that we are all working with Extinction Rebellion on a voluntary basis, therefore our capacity to respond to emails is limited at times. We do our best to respond to messages as soon as possible, so please bear with us. Action Strategy: xr-action@protonmail.com Affinity Group Support Network: xrgroupsnetwork@gmail.com Arts: artsxr@gmail.com Citizens Assemblies: xr-CitizensAssembly@protonmail.com Influencers & Spokespeople: xrnotables@gmail.com Integration: xr_integration@protonmail.com International Expansion: xr-international@protonmail.com Legal: xr-legal@riseup.net Movement Strategy: xr.movement@gmail.com Media & Messaging: press@risingup.org.uk Newsletter: xr-newsletter@protonmail.com People's Assemblies: xr-peoplesassembly@protonmail.com Social Media: extinctionrebellion@gmail.com For help with Facebook events: xrsocialmediaevents@gmail.com Regenerative Culture: xr.regenerativeculture@gmail.com Regional Development: xr-regionaldevelopment@protonmail.com Self-Organising Systems: xr.mandates@gmail.com

People who have worked with Extinction Rebellion