
Creating a better, more diverse working world for everyone

London, United Kingdom

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Calling all creative industry professionals! We also run a community slack channel as a place for creative industry professionals to share best practice, tips, learn from each other and meet new people. Some of the content in there is event invites, shared learning documents and networking for new jobs. Would love to have you as part of the space - to join just jump on our link here: https://join.slack.com/t/hidden-network/shared_invite/zt-lvv02c2a-aWPtWykb8oKOdIOCaeM6ig Talent is a thunderous force for your business’s success. But the workplace has changed, and so have the expectations of the people in it. People want more: more fulfilment, more community, more balance. The list of ‘interesting places to work’ is growing by the day. If diversity isn’t baked into your hiring process, you won’t survive, let alone thrive. Hidden helps you create modern, inclusive and open hiring systems made for the modern job-seeker. And if it works for them, it’ll work for you. Faster, fairer hiring, cheaper. Say hello to Hidden.



Talent/Diversity Initiative of the Year


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People who have worked with Hidden