makemepulse is an interactive production company that uses emerging technologies to connect consumers to brands. We specialise in real-time 3D, WebGL and WebVR, Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, AI and Big Data. We happen to think people engage with experiences. When content is interactive, it's engaging. And when it's engaging, it creates an emotional connection that is memorable to people and valuable for brands, so we aim to create content, utilities and platforms that are memorable because they're emotional. Valuable because they're personalised. Engaging because they're interactive. And continuous by making them available on any screen. Our name was born out of the belief that the right arrangement of strategy, creativity and new technology working together in harmony can lead to amazing productions. There's a rhythm to the way we work and the work we create.
Gold (Cyber) / 2 Silver (Cyber) / Bronze (Direct) / Bronze (Entertainment) / Bronze (Media)
Gold (Creative Data) / Silver (Creative Data) / Bronze (Creative Data) / Bronze (Media)