Makings and Musings

Everyone is creative! art classes for adults

Projects credited in


With Makings & Musings I run online art classes for adults who think they cannot draw. I believe everyone is creative and anyone can draw and in my classes and workshops I teach you step by step how to create beautiful paintings and drawings from scratch. ​​ More than anything I want build a creative community where people feel free to learn, connect, experiment and find inspiration in one another. ​I founded Makings and Musings with the mission to help busy people find their creative flow through mindfulness and creative workshops.

People who have worked with Makings and Musings

  • Irene Ruby

    • Illustrator & Workshop host: I help green businesses stand out with impactful handmade illustrations. I Illustrate for B-corps, social enterprises and charities. I am also a conscious creator of courses and host of an inclusive creative community
    • Makings and Musings