The Behaviourist

Behavioural Photography and Videography

London, United Kingdom


"Behaviourism refers to a psychological approach that emphasises scientific and objective methods of investigation. The approach is only concerned with observable stimulus-response behaviours, and states all behaviours are learned through interaction with the environment" Vaguely inspired by the work of B.F. Skinner and the Behaviourist movement, The Behaviourist is a platform to collect and share a visual investigation through the different manifestations of how humans interact with the environment around them. Whether it's through their crafts, daily routines, their words or thoughts, going to raves or practicing yoga, humans interact with their environment, they shape it and they are shaped by it. The Behaviourist is a nonjudgmental eye, a non-imposing, nonintrusive camera. Nocturnal Behaviours
 A big section, called Nocturnal Behaviours focuses on clubbing and raving, specifically in London and the point of view, openly biased, is to see these situations as a modern, urban, ritual of research for transcendence. For some people might be religion, food, football, sex, music, Brexit or anything that triggers emotions in people. 

There’s no right or wrong, there is no good or bad. Judgment comes later, judgment is derived from emotions and personal attachment to situations. Understanding that the choices people make are mostly a result of the environment and the contingencies they make those choices in, it’s a fundamental step towards understanding each other and being if at all possible, more forgiving with each other.

In these times of divide and worrying resurfacing of fascism in many different parts of the world, finding ways to bring different communities together has never been so relevant and important.