0&1: Redefining Human Creativity in Digital Innovation

https://londondesignfestival.com/activities/0-1-a-dialogue-between-tradition-and-innovation 22 Sept 10:00—19:00 In Person Free, no ticket required The Bedouin Tent & Garden at St Ethelburga's Centre 78 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4AG #Generative AI Digital Design <0&1>is a Generative AI-based digital video installation,projected on a vertical 86-inch screen at St. Ethelburga's Bedouin Tent. This historically rebuilt site following WWII bombings serves as the perfect backdrop for merging AI-driven visuals with a traditional space, exploring the evolving role of human creativity. <0&1>,is a digital video installation that merges AI-driven visual and auditory elements within a traditional setting. Projected on a vertical 86-inch screen, it reflects the vertical framing found in smartphone-based short-form content, creating a contemporary commentary on digital consumption. At its core, <0&1> explores the complex relationship between humans and technology in the digital age. Despite the convenience and efficiency offered by digital innovation, the work emphasizes the growing concern that human communication and emotional connection are being eroded. The AI-generated "black horse" featured in the piece serves as a symbolic representation of technological progress and the values lost along the way. As the horse runs endlessly through the ever-changing environment of the tent, it reflects humanity's continuous adaptation to technological advancements, while also re-examining the essential values that are left behind. The installation is set within St. Ethelburga's Bedouin Tent, a space symbolizing peace and community. The juxtaposition of cutting-edge digital video within this traditional setting accentuates the fusion of technology and heritage, highlighting that while technology streamlines the creative process, human emotional connection and fundamental creative values must remain central. The experimental nature of <0&1> calls attention to the essential role of creativity in an age dominated by digital innovation.