• Tomé Santos

I noticed that a lot of people uses a chair beyond the proper way, but it's not wrong. In fact, that help us to create new shapes to develop other functions. When I realized that if we cut a tube perpendicularly, nothing happens while rotating by the axle. But if cut to 45º degrees, this happens... we get a straight tube transforming to a perpendicular tube. Incorporating this mechanism, as an axle, into a chair's structure, I could get a new way to use it. Even for a bedside table or a quick sketch support, this is now a new utility, instead of resting our arms on a chair's backrest. Inside, it is possible to see a tube inserted on four sets of 70x16x32 bearings, all under pressure. The chair's legs has to support the gravity center mass, so by the reason that they are leaned back. As a table, it can withstands with objects up to 8kg, while using the maximum weight would be not healthy for the axle.