A Level Final Piece

  • Georgina Webb

An Illustration Project on the terms 'inside / outside'.

To create a visual piece that represented the idea of 'inside / outside'.

Found that inside / outside had a connotaion towards an upside down and surreal world so decided to look at a dream state world.

Creating a series of intricate and fantasy style animal images that demonstrate the dream world and reality merging together.

Process Work/Inspiration

In this work I took strong inspiration from Courtney Brims, Tim Burton and Iain Macarthur. I am inspired by Courtney Brims use of pencil in her drawings to depict a sweet and sour wonderland of stray creatures and lost damsels, exploring a mishmash world of reality and make believe most of us left behind in childhood.
Tim Burton's illustration interested me by his work of Alice in Wonderland, with the theme of in - between dream and reality, in addition to his way of creating appealing and wacky characters for an interesting story/film.
Iain Macarthur's work inspired me by his intricate and graphic style, more specifically in the way the artist creates a sense of energy through the use of a variety of lines and shapes.