ABS Canada

  • Alexander Neumann
"ABS Canada is a federally-funded research group that provides legal assistance and awareness to the protection of intellectual property of flora and fauna, originating from indigenous peoples. ABS Canada provides these services to combat for-profit, large pharmaceuticals interests who do not acquire permission or provide the necessary compensation to exploit Indigenous’ intellectual property. For example, if an group of Aboriginal people knew a type of local tree root that was known to have medicinal purposes, ABS Canada ensures that a pharmaceutical company interested in this root would fairly attribute the proper royalties to and permissions from the Aboriginal tribe. To unpack this relatively new, academic pursuit, ABS Canada requested the creation of a logo that, above all, would provide a friendlier, digestible face to their cause. This brand mark would also recognise the natural organisms that ABS Canada and Aboriginal peoples protect, while also ensuring that logo does not appropriate Indigenous cultures. After several thorough consultations, the final logo hints to the natural ecosystems ABS protects, while invoking both the sharing and community focus of Indigenous culture. The client requested a more Earth tone palette for a colour scheme."