Air quality effects of carpet cleaning - Commercial Carpet Cleaners In Tucson Arizona

  • Southwestern Building Maintenance

Our carpets operate as filters in our homes, trapping dust, allergies, and bacteria.

Our carpets operate as filters in our homes, trapping dust, allergies, and bacteria. We can improve the air quality in our homes by keeping these things out of the air. However, when dirt accumulates over time, your carpets will struggle to keep it out of the breeze. We think that having our carpets cleaned will improve the air quality in our home, but this isn't always the case. Several people have had the unsatisfactory experience of having their carpets cleaned only to have them smell like mildew later. This is due to the moist carpet providing an ideal environment for mold and mildew to thrive. When a carpet is wet for an extended period of time, mildew, germs, and mold begin to grow. Mold and mildew release spores and airborne germs into the air, which can lead to poor indoor air quality. Professional rug cleaners, such as Commercial Carpet Cleaners In Tucson Arizona, can provide thorough and professional cleaning.