All Lockers Must Be Emptied and Unlocked

  • Ana Henriques
The MA Communication Design final exhibition identity is inspired in the process of clearingthe lockers at the end of the academic year. This concept establishes a direct parallel with the projects’ stage, being developed throughout the course, at this moment the work is made public and leaving its safe space behind.

The concept is also a celebration of a more personal journey, not only the work but the experiments and the environment in which it was created, all of these represented by showcased objects found in each student’s locker.

Ultimately, the suspended objects establish an analogy between this particular frozen moment in the students lives and the moment of graduation, where they will throw their hats in the air.
The exhibition design involved a small team working in a wide range of areas, careful curation, identity, space design, web design
and printed materials.

The structure and materials used in the gallery, divide the space in small compartments, as each student’s locker, but this time the work is fully exposed. Between metal frames and white boards the space still conveys some intimacy, consequently inviting each visitor to step inside and interact with the pieces.

“The process of transitioning out of the building is an opportunity for us as communication designers. In cleaning out our lockers, we move our designs from private to public view. This exhibition reflects on the transmission process; how it might affect ourselves, our work, and our audiences.”