
  • Raveena Bhavsar
This project looked at preserving the past and present conditions of the estate by designing an Archive that sits in the centre of the estate, The new Masterplan follow the notions of palimpsest, which means all the history that has existed here for over 60 years will be lost and replaced causing extreme social and economical issues.

I noticed the existing estate has a lack of usable open green spaces and an inefficient sized community garden for the residents. Furthermore, the Redevelopment Scheme proposed to remove existing trees on site are replace with new trees.

My archive, firstly attempts to preserve all buildings on site by transforming them into a vertical community garden and greenhouse. Secondly, relocating the existing trees around the estate on to site and creating a narrative landscape of history. Thirdly, to create a library for use of the local community to hold documents and photos of the estate.