Are We?....

  • Michael Mapp

Are We....? is an exploration of beauty, identity, place, status, representation and belonging in multicultural Britain. This is a powerful, yet emotive photography and mixed media exhibition produced and curated by Michael Mapp, which provides an insight into the psyche and experiences in modern Britain. Are we…? Captures the attention of the audience with its subtle layered complexity challenging societal perceptions and cultural nuances. Michael skilfully uses psychological processes to evoke the conscious and unconscious mind engaging in the messages and meaning entangled within the body of work. Are We…….? is part of Wandsworth Artist Open House, Wandsworth Artists’ Open House (WAOH) is a fantastic opportunity for artists and creative makers to show and sell their work from their home or studio in Wandsworth. It’s also a chance for everyday art lovers to take a rare glimpse at the creative talent hidden behind the front doors in their neighbourhood, and to enjoy art in a personal, relaxed setting. Are We….? is featured in the Wandsworth Artists Open House (WAOH) Tooting/Furzedown trail N0.64, this photography and mixed media exhibition produced and curated by Michael Mapp is definitely an eye opening and thought-provoking exhibition and worth a visit.