Atravessamentos // Tatiana Grinberg

  • ingrid kraus
15th of May - 22nd of June 2014
at Mul.ti.plo Espaço Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Atravessamentos, 'Crossings' the exhibition by Tatiana Grinberg at Mul.ti.plo gallery dissertates about gaps, opacities, prints and reflections on the surfaces of objects set us in motion, both through a look that does not stop. Whether seeking a flow, focuses on different depths, marks, or inviting us to a closer approach, an experiment involving our body - the visual and proprioceptive senses are activated. The dimensions, shapes and positioning of objects in the environment are based on different paths and choreographies, there is no prescription - they reflect our rhythm, the possibility of experimentation, the exchange of place between observer / observed, the sharing of space with others.
Photos: 1. Sobre a distância entre as mãos e os olhos, 2013 by Tatiana Grinberg // 2. Passagem em branco, 2014 by Tatiana Grinberg // 3. pele [corpo], 2014 by Tatiana Grinberg // 4. Corte [cubo], 2004-14 by Tatiana Grinberg

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    Mul.ti.plo Espaço Arte + EAV